Location description:
The name of Kamena Gora is devised from the words kamen (rock) and gora (forest), and it literarily means "forest on the rock".
The village is about 20 kilometres away from the town of
Kamena Gora is rich in flora and fauna, woods and clear water springs, which can be found on every step (there are over 100 registered strong, water-rich springs in the area).
The oldest inhabitant of Kamena Gora is the Old PIne, tall 13 meters, the circumference of the treetop is 18 meters and of the trunk 5 meters, and is around 500 years old. This black pine is the symbol of everything holy, so the local folks named this pine Svetibor (holy pine).
This pine has been the cult tree of this part of the country. It has always been used as a part of the local culture, and used in local medicine - healers were taking pine's resin and using it as a cure.
An old legend says:

The people of the mountain respect this cult tree and wouldn't take a pinecone from it. They respect its age and secrets.
For the location pictures please look at our gallery.
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